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“Peek-a-boo, I see you!” Get ready to play this classic and other hide-and-seek games as your baby starts to catch on to the fun.
To learn more about this visit, click here.
Three most important milestones for this age
When a baby reaches 5 months, the hesitant babbling they likely started at 4 months should start to sound like straight-ahead babbling. You’ll start hearing lots of ooo’s and ahhh’s from your child. Along with this vocalization, you may notice your child taking time to listen as you talk, before responding with their own wild babble. It’s fine to have a child who doesn’t babble on and on. But if your 5-month-old is not babbling at all, and hasn’t attempted to start, you will want to bring it to our attention.
Around 5-months your baby is starting to work on the skills that will eventually get them ambulating around your home in their preferred mode. In order to become more mobile, your child will need to work on the muscles in their core. Many babies are able to sit up assisted at 5 months, but will be very wobbly and for super-short durations. You’ll also want to mention during the visit if your baby’s movements seem overly jerky, or if they appear to prefer one side of their body to the other.
At 5 months old, most babies are becoming more and more aware of how to use their hands. Their dexterity is getting better, as is their reach and grip strength. They should be able to snag objects pretty easily now, and whatever they grab will probably put in their mouth!
Did you know?
Your baby will love playing games like peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek as she begins to grasp the concept of object permanence.
At this visit, your baby will receive their 3rd HIB (Haemophilus influenza type B) PCV(pneumococcal) vaccines.