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So much has happened in so little time! Your baby has gotten a whole lot bigger. As their vision improves, they begin to focus on nearby objects. Newborns especially love black, red, and big squares or polka dots.
To learn more about this visit click here
For the next several weeks, your cute bundle of smiles will probably be pretty happy, sleeping for longer at night and not yet independently mobile. Your baby will be a little treasure to be around for a good bit of the time.
- The key milestones for your 3-month-old baby are:
- Good upright head control in supported sitting
- Follows a face or toy held in front of them in a semi-circle
- Holds and examines their own hands in front of them and fingerplay
- Takes turns in ‘baby-talk’ conversations
- They will probably also:
- Rock from side to side and backwards and forwards
- Smile and vocalise with lots of ‘babytalk’
- Show excitement and anticipation
- Raise head and chest to rest on arms during tummytime
- Move head from side to side to locate the source of a sound
At this visit, your baby will receive their 2nd HIB (Haemophilus influenza type B) PCV(pneumococcal) vaccines.
Did you know?
Research shows that babies this age love hugs, which can help with cognitive development.